Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Sun.....a rebellious vampire

Ok so now that I have finally embraced my Cherokee Indian roots thanks to the sun, I wanted your opinions on this theory. My friend/ lifeguard Beth Lefoy and I came up with this idea that the sun is a rebellious vampire. Now to justify this, we noticed how the sun can literally drain the life right out of you, even sometimes causing death (heatstroke, sun poisoining, skin cancer, etc). So after a day of prolonged exposure to the sun (about six hours straight), screaming kids numbering about 100 and little water breaks, we came up with the ingenious theory that because the sun is draining the life out of us it must be a vampire. But unlike "normal vampires", the sun is out all day and has embraced the sunlight, in fact becoming the one thing his "kind" hates. Therefore, he must have rebelled. Instead of draining people dry by sucking their blood, he has decided to drain them of their life, their happiness and their sanity. But thankfully we have the grey guardians on our side (they protect the human race). That is for another post on another day. Thank you to Beth for many insights into the mysteries of life.

1 comment:

  1. oh josh....what in the world will you think of next. You guys really must have been bored or just tooo much sun that day!
