The bottled drink of decadence
corroded my mind on this night
The Reaper offered condolence
as Fate passed into sight
Signs in the sky and pavement
show me I'm not welcome here
This wasteland is all but vacant
Lost souls drift away far and near
Where is this man to go now?
Walking alone in the fallout
I'm no longer in what I thought was heaven
Instead I'm in the haven of the damned
Artificial angels soar in the dust clouds
Oh God, where is this man but in doubt?
The door of death is now open
He ponders the sulfurous smell
The demon crawlss back slowly in
Back from the darkest void of hell
He is no longer tested physically
His mind perceives nothing true
You tested Fate's lovely cruelty
It doesn't want possessions; only you
Who is this lonely man now?
Now a remnant of the final fallout